Latest news

  • Feb.

    1 paper @CVPR accepted

    OT for DL understanding

  • Janv.

    1 paper @NAACL accepted

    French Dataset for Moral Evaluation

  • Dec.

    1 paper @ECIR accepted

    Hierachical Masking at work!

  • Sept.

    1 paper @NeurIPS accepted

    Any2Graph for structured prediction


  • Address

    Télécom Paris
    19 place Marguerite Perey
    91120 Palaiseau, France

  • charlotte[.]laclau[@]telecom[-]paris[.]fr

Short bio

Since Sept. 2022, I'm an Associate Professor at Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris. I am a member of the LTCI lab, and part of the S2A team. Prior to this position, I was holding the same position at Hubert Curien Laboratory in the Data Intelligence team.

Complementary information: CV (last update 2023) or LinkedIn profile.

My main line of research is in machine learning, and my current research focus includes:

  • representation learning for complex data
  • fairness in machine learning for relational data
  • unsupervised learning for high-dimensional data